Michelle Johnson
Building Our Homestead Pantry
There are a few reasons that we have built up our homestead pantry or the amount of food that we have stored. It mainly serves as insulation against possible "what if's". What if one of us lost our job? Our pantry could provide meals for many weeks. What if the barge or ferry didn't arrive with groceries for the store? In Juneau this happens once or twice a year, and the store shelves run out of perishable products quickly. What if we couldn't leave the house for some reason - snow, rock slide, sickness? Each homestead will have their individual...
Michelle Johnson
2020 Market Schedule
*Event Cancelled * 2020 Juneau Public Market * Centennial Hall (Juneau, AK)
Summer 2021 - look for us at local markets around Potlatch, Idaho
We would love to see you at these events!
Michelle Johnson
Our Take on Modern Homesteading
We describe ourselves as modern homesteaders....but what does that mean? To us it means... Producing as much of our own food as we can, including gardening, hunting and fishing Doing things ourselves Reducing what we buy from the store Working toward a more simple life It is a shift in how you think about things, becoming a producer instead of a consumer. This can be done wherever you live; you don't have to have acres of land to be a homesteader! It is definitely a process...a lifetime journey. There is always more to do and more to learn to increase our self reliance....
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